But downloading materials using SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse window is way cooler because you can import materials directly into your current project. If you’re using 3D Warehouse via your web browser, you can download the SKM file for a material and then add the file to your local SketchUp content folders.

To access the materials browser, click the new Materials stat in the info panel. When viewing a model details page on 3D Warehouse, you can now browse the In Model Material library for that model and download only the material you want. Well, I’m glad to say those days are a big step closer to being over. But in most, if not all cases, you likely end up having to download more than what you really need, and then end up having to clean up afterward. As you search for materials like brick, tile, grass, etc., you find material samples as well as entire components with cool-looking materials. You’re looking for the perfect sofa or window, but also materials, because let’s face it: some things are still better represented in 2D. At the last minute, you’re scouring 3D Warehouse for components to spice things up. You’re sitting in the office, or studio, late one night (okay, every night), trying to get a presentation together. So, tell me if this has ever happened to you. Whew, that was the TL DR version? Keep reading for more details or head over to 3D Warehouse now to check out all the new stuff. Last but not least, we brought back contributors (finally!). You can also browse models that include the component you’ve landed on. Two new features have been added to the model details pages that allow you to browse and download In Model materials and components. TL DR: We recently launched a bunch of new features for 3D Warehouse.