To rotate the pattern to 45 degrees, fill a region then rotate using the rotate tool and then edit the boundaries to fix the edges. For example, a 6x24 tile would be imported at 2.00 scale.

The pattern is currently scaled to 3x12, if you need something larger or smaller change the import scale. file I made of the 100 series 390x90x90 Block, with 10mm mortar. pat file for a 12" x 24" tile pattern that is staggered by 1/3 each row vertically. Edit the hatch to be "Custom" instead of simple, and then import the file.ġ2" x 24" Tile Pattern (1/3 Stagger Vertical) Then, in Revit, create a new model hatch.

To use this, download the file and save it to your file directory. pat file for a 12" x 24" tile pattern that is staggered by 1/3 each row horizontally. 12" x 24" Tile Pattern (1/3 Stagger Horizontal)